Big Deal Sylwester Chęciński, Gerard Zalewski film Kochaj albo rzuć
Directed by: Sylwester Chęciński, Gerard Zalewski
Script: Andrzej Mularczyk
Starring: Wacław Kowalski, Władysław Hańcza, Zdzisław Karczewski, Ilona Kuśmierska, Jerzy Janeczek, Maria Zbyszewska, Anna Dymna
Film originaltitel: Kochaj albo rzuć
Produkction: Poland
Year: 1977
Subtitles: no
Sound version: Polish
Distribution: BestFilm
DVD Video
Play time:116 min.
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 2.0, Dolby Digital 5.1
Format: DVD video PAL
Format of the screen: Standart 4:3
Check otherfilms by Sylwester Chęciński
Extras: original black and white version of the film