Marek Piwowski Polish School of the Documentary Marek Piwowski film Marek PiwowskiPolska Szkoła Dokumentu
Directed by: Marek Piwowski
DVD originalitel: Polska Szkoła Dokumentu. Marek Piwowski
Produkction: Poland
Year: 2007
Subtitles: English, German, French, Russian
Sound version: Polish
Distribution: Polskie Wydawnictwo Audiowizualne
2 DVD Video
Play time: 183 min.
Format: DVD video PAL
Format of the screen: Standart 4:3
Perhaps some scenes in my films suggest that I treat people like an entomologist when examining his insect specimens. [...] Stupidity is more flavoursome food for artistic matter, than correctness and norm. As for the human species...
I have done a TV play based on a short story by Lem. The plot evolves around the fact that the all-universe organization of united planets refuses our - people's - accession on account of the shortcomings intrinsic to mankind. (Profiles, 1980/10)
1. The Overture, 1965, 6'
2. A Compartment For a Hundred People and More, 1965, 4'
3. The Fly Killer, 1966, 12'
4. Kirk Douglas (Welcome Kirk), 1966, 9'
5. Fire! Fire! At Last Something's Going On, 1976, 13'
6. Success, 1968, 13'
7. Psychodrama, 1969, 28'
8. Corkscrew, 1971, 10'
9. Hair, 1971, 17'
1. A Knife in Dino Baggio's Head, 1999, 39'
2. Gurgle, 1983, 5'
3. The Parade Step, 1977, 27'