With Fire and Sword Jerzy Hoffman film Ogniem i mieczem
Script: novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz
Directed by: Jerzy Hoffman
Starring:Michał Żebrowski, Aleksander Domogarow, Krzysztof Kowalewski, Wiktor Zborowski
Film originalitel: Ogniem i mieczem
Produkction: Poland
Year: 1969, 2001
Subtitles: English
Sound version: Polish
Distribution: TiM Film Studio
2DVD Video
Play time:176 min. / 134 min.
Sound formats: Dolby Digital 5.1
Format: DVD video PAL
Format of the screen: Standart 16:9, color
Check otherfilms by Jerzy Hoffman,
With Fire and Sword
Cinema version of the famous novel by H.Sienkiewicz Ogniem i Mieczem (With Fire and Sword).
At the time of its release, this lavish historical epic was the most expensive Polish film ever made.
The story line has two strands - one the warfare occasioned by the Cossack uprising of 1648 in the Ukraine, the other, that of two men, rivals in war who fall in love with the same woman. Izabella Scorupco as the. heroine Helena is both beautiful and refined, as well as brave. She becomes the object of pursuit by the two very different suitors: Bohun a Cossack who grew up with the family with whom Helena lived with after she was orphaned by the death of her parents, and Skrzetuski, the Polish Noble who, while on a mission into the Ukraine meets Helena and soon discovers that they are in love.n.