Daniel Szczechura Polish animation Daniel Szczechura film Daniel Szczechura polska animacja
Directed by: Daniel Szczechura
Film originalitel: Daniel Szczechura - polska animacja
Produkction: Poland
Year: 2010
Subtitles: English, Polish
Sound version: Polish
Distribution: NInA Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny
2 DVD Video
Play time:148 min.
Sound formats:
Format: DVD video PAL
Check otherfilms by Daniel SzczechuraDaniel Szczechuraborn in 1930 in Wilczogęby. In the years 1951-1952 he studied at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision of Prof. Eugeniusz Arct. He subsequently graduated from Warsaw University with a degree in Art History. He is also a graduate of the Cinematography Faculty of the National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź. From 1961, he worked in the Łódź Studio of Small Film Forms SE-MA-FOR, where he made the majority of his animated films. From 1969, Szczechura was a lecturer at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Here, at the Graphics Design Faculty, he led a studio of photography and animated film. He became a professor in 1987. He has lectured at many international universities such as the Royal Art Academy in Ghent and Emily Carr College, Vancouver. At present he is a lecturer at the Japanese-Polish School of Computer Sciences in Warsaw. A member of the Union of Polish Film Producers and of the International Association of Animated Film ASIFA, Szczechura was the Vice-President of the Association from 1984 to1987. He received awards for life achievements at the Linz Festival (1976), from the Italian Association of Animated Film in Genoa, and from the International Association of Animated Film in Zagreb (1990).